Magus Imperialis Magicus

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No end in sight.. hooray!


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I've been playing Vanguard, and have become unaccountably fond of my little halfling druid, Soriah. Knee-high to just about everyone, she always runs about levitated so she can see over the grasses and bushes. She's also fearless, and knows she is immortal.

Today, we marked our 52nd milestone together, Soriah and I. She's feeling pretty spunky, but irritated. Her hard-won two platinum was squandered away in the Exchange for spell components. Though she's happy to have the new spells, and a new fiery minion to boss around, she misses the jingle of plat in her pocket.

How do you make 50+ spells in Vanguard? Soriah was irritated she couldn't just buy them from the trainer. So she imperiously ordered me to investigate. After much scrabbling through the internet I found this link: 51-55 Spells .. It was helpful, but I still didn't know what to do. So we purchased the "Restored Essence of Brilliance" on the Exchange. The page that I linked here doesn't even mention it existing. Once we retrieved our Essence from the mailbox, we were able to combine it with the item the trainer sold Soriah. Expensive. Worked though - two new spells for Soriah to blow things up with.

I shake my head trying to keep track of everything in this game. The world is enormous, the lore unending. Soriah's quest log is constantly full, and there seems to be no end in sight for 'finishing' any area. At 52, I would normally figuring that I was finishing up the "easy" content in an MMO, and looking forward to raiding. But in Vanguard, it seems like just as soon as I finish one long, long quest chain, another two or three pop up.
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Wow grats on 52! :)
(you're almost a shammy now - heals and a pet)